Just Type (microfiction)


Their hold on me had long since loosened. But, here I sit petrified. Their voices roar back. “You’re stupid!” Their words echoing and ricocheting around my skull. Wringing my hands over the keyboard. I’m scared of rejection. One letter will start my journey. Just type. I can’t. Maybe next week.


  1. This is a very familiar feeling. Isn't it sad how as many positive comments as we might get, all it takes is one negative review, one rejection for those voices of self-doubt to rise loudly?

  2. As Asha said - so familiar. Learning to ignore those voices is the hardest part, I think. (And they always sneak back in.) My best advice, which I don't always follow myself, is to just get some words down, even if the voices say they're terrible. You can edit words on the page; you can't edit a blank page!

  3. I get this so much. Current position: sitting with a submission ready to send off, but...

  4. Oh man, do I feel called out here! LOL. I think many of us can relate to this.

  5. I can absolutely relate to this. It's horrible what just one rejection can do to our psyches.

  6. Such a familiar situation! On the bright side, you did type!


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