Captain Squash
It was unusually quiet on
the beach that day. The families and their squawking kids had left. The gentle
waves in their rhythmic ebb and flow coupled with the warm sand lulled me to
sleep. My friend, Jim, screaming in the water, abruptly awakened me. From his
blood-curdling screams, I assumed a shark was eating him alive. Known for his
histrionics, I covered my head with a towel. I would feel awful if a shark ate
Jim while I napped.
As I was running to the
water, Jim met me at the shoreline. Out of breath, he muttered, “Jellyfish!” Pointing
to a quarter-sized crimson whelp on his left leg, he collapsed in the wet sand.
Classic Jim! Just then, where he had been swimming, the water parted like the
Red Sea. A beautiful creature arose, muscles glistening in the sun like Aquaman.
Running to Jim, I
stammered and pointed, “It’s a Merman! Do you see him? Look quick!”
Jim remained motionless
on the sand whimpering. The Merman swam towards us and beached himself right
next to me.
“Never fear,” he
commanded. “I am here to save you!”
I must’ve stood there for
at least five minutes with my mouth open in shock before speaking.
“He has a jellyfish
sting,” I whispered sarcastically. “He doesn’t need saving. He’s very
Ignoring me, the Merman
continued, “I have the superpower of aquatic-breathing, but it only lasts for
an hour after I dry off and transform. I’ll have to work quickly to save this
young man!”
Oddly enough, as the
Merman dried off, he did transform into a complete other figure. He was turning
green. Maybe, he was a Hulk! No, wait, he couldn’t be. He turned into a giant
“Your superpower is that
you turn into a squash?! A talking squash?!” I said in disbelief.
“Technically, I am a
zucchini which is in the squash family but I prefer zucchini,” he said as he
struggled to stand. “I’m new to this. If you could just push me up, I could hop
over and help your friend.”
I heaved and tugged until
I had him upright and balancing. “A little help here, Jim. After all, he is
your super hero,” I said as I strained to balance the giant zucchini. As soon
as I let go, he fell over again. Jim seemed to be oblivious to the situation.
He was in his own self-pitying world.
“You almost had it,” said
the zucchini. “This time, don’t let go until I tell you.”
Covered in sweat and gritty
sand, I began to roll the giant zucchini back into the water. “So long Captain
Squash! I’m returning you to the other sea cucumbers!”
“I’m a zucchini! Wait,
what are you doing? I haven’t saved your fr…” Before he could finish his
sentence, a wave crashed over him. Instantly, he transformed back into the stunning
“My friend doesn’t need
saving,” I shouted and waved. With that, he turned and splashed me with his
tail. I was drenched! “What a horrible superpower,” I thought aloud.
“Come on, Jim. Let’s go home before he returns with the whole garden!”

Hi, and welcome to YeahWrite!! I liked how you paired Jim's histrionics with an inept, inexperienced, and unnecessary superhero. I wasn't entirely sure why the narrator covered their head with a towel as they ran to Jim's side, but the interaction between the two characters felt natural.